2017 Publications

2017 Publications

A standardized diagnostic ontology for fibrotic interstitial lung disease an international working group perspective. View article. 2017. Ryerson C.J., Corte T.J., Lee J.S., Richeldi L., Walsh S.L.F., Myers J.L., Behr J., Cottin V., Danoff S.K., Flaherty K.R., Lederer D.J., Lynch D.A., Martinez F.J., Raghu G., Travis W.D., Udwadia Z., Wells A.U., Collard H.R. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 196(10).

Portable oxygen concentrators versus oxygen cylinder during walking in interstitial lung disease: A randomized crossover trial. View article. 2017. Khor Y.H., McDonald C.F., Hazard A., Symons K., Westall G., Glaspole I., Goh N.S.L., Holland A.E. Respirology 22(8).

Annexin A2 contributes to lung injury and fibrosis by augmenting factor Xa fibrogenic activity. View article. 2017. Schuliga M, Jaffar J, Berhan A, Langenbach S, Harris T, Waters D, Lee PVS, Grainge C, Westall G, Knight DA and Stewart AG. American Journal of Physiology-Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology. 312:5 L772-L782 doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00553.2016

The fibrogenic actions of lung fibroblast-derived urokinase: a potential drug target in IPF. View article. 2017. Schuliga M, Jaffar J, Harris T, Knight DA, Westall G & Stewart AG Scientific Reports. 7:41770 doi:10.1038/srep41770.

Inhibition of the KCa3.1 Channel Alleviates Established Pulmonary Fibrosis in a Large Animal Model. View article. 2017. Organ L, Bacci B, Koumoundouros E, Kimpton WG, Samuel CS, Nowell CJ, Bradding P, Roach KM, Westall G, Jaffar J, Snibson KJ. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology doi: 10.1165/rcmb.2016-0092OC.

Palliative care in interstitial lung disease: living well. View article. 2017. Kreuter M, Bendstrup E, Russell AM, Bajwah S, Lindell K, Adir Y, Brown CE, Calligaro G, Cassidy N, Corte TJ, (…) Wijsenbeek M. Lancet Respiratory Medicine. 5(12):968-980. doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(17)30383-1. 

The interstitial lung disease multidisciplinary meeting: A position statement from the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand and the Lung Foundation Australia. View article. 2017. Prasad JD, Mahar A, Bleasel J, Ellis SJ, Chambers DC, Lake F, Hopkins PMA, Corte TJ, Allan H and Glaspole IN. Respirology  22, 1459-1472. doi:10.1111/rep.13163.

IPF Project Consortium. Diagnostic accuracy of a clinical diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: an international case-cohort study. View article. 2017. Walsh SLF, Maher TM, Kolb M, Poletti V, Nusser R, Richeldi L, Vancheri C, Wilsher ML, Antoniou KM, Behr J, Bendstrup E, Brown K, Calandriello L, Corte TJ, Cottin V, Crestani B, Flaherty K, Glaspole I, (…) Wells A. European Respiratory Journal. 50(2):1700936. doi: 10.1183/13993003.00936-2017.

Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: A protean and challenging disease. View article. 2017. Jee AS, Jo HE, Corte TJ. Respirology. 22(8):1489-1490. doi: 10.1111/resp.13158. 

Determinants and outcomes of prolonged anxiety and depression in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. View article. 2017. Glaspole I.G, Watson A.L, Allan H, Chapman S, Cooper W.A, Corte T.J, Ellis S, Grainge C, Goh N, Hopkins P, Keir G, Macansh S, Mahar A, Moodley Y, Reynolds P.N, Ryerson C.J, Walters E.H, Zappala CJ and Holland A.E. European Respiratory Journal. 50: 1700168.

Cough is less common and less severe in systemic sclerosis-associated interstitial lung disease compared to other fibrotic interstitial lung diseases. View article. 2017. Cheng JZ, Wilcox PG, Glaspole I, Corte TJ, Murphy D, Hague CJ, Ryerson CJ. Respirology. 22(8):1592-1597. doi: 10.1111/resp.13084. 

Role of Autoantibodies in the Diagnosis of Connective-Tissue Disease ILD (CTD-ILD) and Interstitial Pneumonia with Autoimmune Features (IPAF). View article. 2017. Jee AS, Adelstein S, Bleasel J, Keir GJ, Nguyen M, Sahhar J, Youssef P, Corte TJ. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 6(5):51. doi: 10.3390/jcm6050051.

A Standardized Diagnostic Ontology for Fibrotic Interstitial Lung Disease. An International Working Group Perspective. View article. 2017. Ryerson CJ, Corte TJ, (…) Collard HR. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 196(10):1249-1254. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201702-0400PP.

Nintedanib for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in the Japanese population. View article. 2017. Jo HE, Corte TJ. Respirology. 22(4):630-631. doi: 10.1111/resp.13033. 

Health-related quality of life in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Data from the Australian IPF Registry. View article. 2017. Glaspole I.N, Chapman S.A., Cooper W.A., Ellis S.J., Goh N.S., Hopkins P.M, Macansh S., Mahar A., Moodley Y.P., Reynolds P.N., Walters E.H., Zappala C.J. , Corte T.J. Respirology doi: 10.1111/resp.12989 

Oxygen therapy for interstitial lung disease: Physicians’ perceptions and experiences. View article. 2017. Khor YH, Goh NS, McDonald CF, Holland AE. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 14(12):1772-1778. 

The processes and mechanisms of cardiac and pulmonary fibrosis. View article. 2017. Murtha L.A., Schuliga M.J., Mabotuwana N.S., Hardy S.A., Waters D.W., Burgess J.K., Knight D.A., Boyle A.J. Frontiers in Physiology. 

Potential Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogens in Idiopathic Interstitial Lung Disease. View article. 2017. Sohal S.S., Hansbro P.M., Shukla S.D., Eapen M.S., Walters E.H. Chest 152(4).

Treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in Australia and New Zealand: A position statement from the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand and the Lung Foundation Australia. View article. 2017. Jo H.E., Troy L.K., Keir G., Chambers D.C., Holland A., Goh N., Wilsher M., de Boer S., Moodley Y., Grainge C., Whitford H., Chapman S., Reynolds P.N., Glaspole I., Beatson D., Jones L., Hopkins P., Corte T.J. Respirology 22(7).

Supplemental oxygen and dypsnoea in interstitial lung disease: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. View article. 2017. Bell E.C., Cox N.S., Goh N., Glaspole I., Westall G.P., Watson A., Holland A.E. European Respiratory Review 26(145).

The evidence of benefits of exercise training in interstitial lung disease: A randomised controlled trial. View article. 2017. Dowman L.M., McDonald C.F., Hill C.J., Lee A.L., Barker K., Boote C., Glaspole I., Goh N.S.L., (…) Holland A.E. Thorax 72(7).

Year in review 2016: Interstitial lung disease, pulmonary vascular disease, pulmonary function, paediatric lung disease, cystic fibrosis and sleep. View article. 2017. Jee A.S., Corte T.J., Wort S.J., Eves N.D., Wainwright C.E., Piper A. Respirology 22(5).

Greater endurance capacity and improved dyspnoea with acute oxygen supplementation in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients without resting hypoxaemia. View article. 2017. Dowman L.M., (…) Goh N.S.L., Holland A.E. Respirology 22(5).

Oxygen therapy for interstitial lung disease a mismatch between patient expectations and experiences. View article. 2017. Khor Y.H., Goh N.S.L., McDonald C.F., Holland A.E. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 14(6).

The fibrogenic actions of lung fibroblast-derived urokinase: A potential drug target in IPF. View article. 2017. Schuliga M., Jaffar J., Harris T., Knight D.A., Westall G., Stewart A.G. Scientific Reports 7.

Australian and New Zealand. Pulmonary Rehabilitation Guidelines. View article. 2017. Alison J.A., (…), Holland A.E., on behalf of the Lung Foundation Australia and the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand. Respirology 22(4).

Prognosis of adults with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis without treatment or without effective therapies. View article. 2017. Khor Y.H., Ng Y., Goh N.S.L., Mcdonald C.F., Holland A.E. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017 4.

Current best practice in rehabilitation in interstitial lung disease. View article. 2017. Nakazawa A., Cox N.S., Holland A.E. Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease 11(2).

Oxygen therapy for interstitial lung disease: A systematic review. View article. 2017. Bell E.C., Cox N.S., Goh N., Glaspole I., Westall G.P., Watson A., Holland A.E. European Respiratory Review 26(143).

Use of biologics to treat acute exacerbations and manage disease in asthma, COPD and IPF. View article. 2017. Murray L.A., Grainge C., Wark P.A., Knight D.A. Pharmacology and Therapeutics 169.

A new era in idiopathic interstitial pneumonias: Epilogue to a review series. View article. 2017. Corte T.J., Collard H., Wells A.U. Respirology 22(1).

Antifibrotic role of vascular endothelial growth factor in pulmonary fibrosis. View article. 2017. Murray L.A., (…) Knight D.A., Hogaboam C.M., Herzog E.L. JCI Insight 2(16).

When is an alveolar type 2 cell an alveolar type 2 cell? A conundrum for lung stem cell biology and regenerative medicine. View article. 2017. Beers M.F., Moodley Y. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology 57(1).

Baseline characteristics of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: analysis from the Australian Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Registry. View article. 2017. Jo H.E., Glaspole I., Grainge C., Goh N., Hopkins P.M.A., Moodley Y., Reynolds P.N., (…) Corte T.J. European Respiratory Journal. 49(3): 1601592. DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01592-2016

Reply: Acute Exacerbation of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. View article. 2017. Corte T.J., Ryerson C.J., Collard H.R. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 195(4).

Reply: The New Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Acute Exacerbations Document: One Step Ahead but Still Suspended in the Air. View article. 2017. Ryerson C.J., Corte T.J., Martinez F.J., Collard H.R. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 195(2).

Effect of pirfenidone on mortality: pooled analyses and meta-analyses of clinical trials in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. View article. 2017. Nathan S.D., Albera C., Bradford W.Z., Costabel U., Glaspole I., (…) Noble P.W. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 5(1).

Divergent roles for Clusterin in Lung Injury and Repair. View article. 2017. Habiel D.M., (…) Knight D.A., Hogaboam C.M., Murray L.A. Scientific Reports 7(1).