2020 Publications

2020 Publications

SARS-CoV-2 induces transcriptional signatures in human lung epithelial cells that promote lung fibrosis. View article. 2020. Xu J, Xu X, Jiang L, Dua Kamal, Hansbro PM, Liu G. Respiratory Research. 21(1): 182.

Incipient need of targeting airway remodelling using advanced drug delivery in chronic respiratory diseases. View article. 2020. Mehta M, Satija S, Paudel KR, Liu G, Chellappan DK, Hansbro PM, Dua K. Future Medicinal Chemistry. 12(10):873-875.

Critical role for iron accumulation in the pathogenesis of fibrotic lung disease. View article. 2020.  Ali MK, Kim RY, Brown AC, (…) Hansbro PM, Horvat JC. Journal of Pathology. 251(1): 49-62. [IF:5.979].

Interstitial lung disease and obstructive sleep apnoea. View article. 2020. Khor YH, Ryerson CJ, Landry SA, Howard ME, Churchward TJ, Edwards BA, Hamilton GS, Joosten SA. Sleep Medicine Reviews.

Patient-reported Outcomes for Clinical Trials in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: New Opportunities to Understand How Patients Feel and Function. View article. 2020. Holland AE, Dowman L, Smallwood N. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 202(12):1620-1622. doi: 10.1164/rccm.202007-2775ED. 

Ambulatory oxygen for treatment of exertional hypoxaemia in pulmonary fibrosis (PFOX trial): a randomised controlled trial. View article. 2020. Holland AE, Corte T, Chambers DC, Palmer AJ, Ekström MP, Glaspole I, Goh NSL, Hepworth G, Khor YH, Hoffman M, Vlahos R, Sköld M, Dowman L, Troy LK, Prasad JD, Walsh J, McDonald CF. BMJ Open. 10(12):e040798. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040798 

Home-based or remote exercise testing in chronic respiratory disease, during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: A rapid review. View article. 2020. Holland AE, Malaguti C, Hoffman M, Lahham A, Burge AT, Dowman L, May AK, Bondarenko J, Graco M, Tikellis G, Lee JY, Cox NS. Chronic Respiratory Disease. doi: 10.1177/1479973120952418.  

Prognosis of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis without anti-fibrotic therapy: A systematic review.  View article. 2020. Khor YH, Ng Y, Barnes H, Goh NSL, McDonald CF, Holland AE.  European Respiratory Review. 29(157):190158. 

Ambulatory oxygen in fibrotic interstitial lung disease: a pilot, randomised, triple-blinded, sham-controlled trial. View article. 2020. Khor YH, Holland AE, Goh NSL, Miller BR, Vlahos R, Bozinovski S, Lahham A, Glaspole I, McDonald CF. Chest. 181(1):234-244.

The Unmet Care Needs of Progressive Fibrosing Interstitial Lung Disease. View article. 2020. Sweeney DJ, Khor YH*, Goh NSL* (* joint senior authors) Respirology. 25(12):1231-1232.  

Health-related quality of life of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. View article. 2020. Cox IA, Arriagada NB, de Graaff B, Corte TJ, Glaspole I, Lartey S, Walters EH, Palmer AJ. European Respiratory Review. 29(158):200154. doi: 10.1183/16000617.0154-2020. 

Bronchoalveolar Lavage Standardization Workgroup. International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation consensus statement for the standardization of bronchoalveolar lavage in lung transplantation. View article. 2020.  Martinu T., Koutsokera A., Benden C., Cantu E., Chambers D., (…) Tomlinson G. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 39(11) 

Silica-related diseases in the modern world. View article. 2020.  Hoy R.F, Chambers D.C. Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 75(11) (2020)

Australasian interstitial lung disease registry (AILDR): objectives, design and rationale of a bi-national prospective database. View article. 2020. Moore I, Wrobel J, Rhodes J, Lin Q, Webster S, Jo H, Troy L, Grainge C, Glaspole I, Corte TJ, Australasian ILD Registry. BMC Pulmonary Medicine. 20(1):257. doi: 10.1186/s12890-020-01297-2. 

Itaconate controls the severity of pulmonary fibrosis. View article. 2020. Ogger P.P., (…) Chambers D.C., Maher T.M., Lloyd C.M., Byrne A.J. Science Immunology 5(52) 

First risk, next reward? A new clinico-radiological risk model predicts mortality in rheumatoid arthritis-associated interstitial lung disease. View article. 2020. Parker MJS, Corte TJ. Respirology. (12):1225-1226. doi: 10.1111/resp.13924.

Diagnosis of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis in Adults. An Official ATS/JRS/ALAT Clinical Practice Guideline. View article. 2020. Raghu G, Remy-Jardin M, Ryerson CJ, Myers JL, Kreuter M, Vasakova M, Bargagli E, Chung JH, Collins BF, Bendstrup E, Chami HA, Chua AT, Corte TJ, (…) Wilson KC. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 202(3):e36-e69. doi: 10.1164/rccm.202005-2032ST.

CXCR4 + cells are increased in lung tissue of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. View article. 2020. Jaffar J, Griffiths K, Oveissi S, Duan M, Foley M, Glaspole I, Symons K, Organ L, Westall G. Respiratory Research. 26;21(1):221. doi: 10.1186/s12931-020-01467-0.

Successful treatment of telomeropathy-related interstitial lung disease with immunosuppression and danazol. View article. 2020. Chambers D.C., Lutzky V.P., Apte S.H., Godbolt D., Feenstra J., Mackintosh J. Respirology Case Reports 8(6).

Silicosis: An ancient disease in need of a dose of modern medicine. View article. 2020. Hoy R., Chambers D.C. Respirology 25(5).

Pulmonary adverse events of small molecule JAK inhibitors in autoimmune disease: Systematic review and meta-analysis. View article. 2020. Khoo J.K., Barnes H., Key S., Glaspole I.N., Östör A.J. Rheumatology. 59(9). 

Occupational and environmental risk factors for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in Australia: case-control study. View article. 2020. Abramson MJ, Murambadoro T, Alif SM, Benke GP, Dharmage SC, Glaspole I, Hopkins P, Hoy RF, Klebe S, Moodley Y, Rawson S, Reynolds PN, Wolfe R, Corte TJ, Walters EH; Australian IPF Registry. Thorax. (10):864-869. doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2019-214478. 

Methodologies of COLDICE and Cryo-PID studies: details make the difference. View article. 2020. Lau EMT, Grainge C, Williamson JP, Corte TJ, Cooper WA, Phillips MJ, Torzillo PJ, Vallely MP, Raghu G, Troy LK. Annals of Translational Medicine. 8(12):781. doi: 10.21037/atm-20-3769.

Circulating RNA differences between patients with stable and progressive idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. View article. 2020. Clynick B, Jo HE, Corte TJ, Glaspole IN, Grainge C, Hopkins PMA, Reynolds PN, Chapman S, Walters EH, (…) Moodley YP. European Respiratory Journal. 56(3):1902058. doi: 10.1183/13993003.02058-2019. 

Metabolomics in chronic lung diseases. View article. 2020. Nambiar S., Bong How S., Gummer J., Trengove R., Moodley Y. Respirology 25(2).

Comment on “The natural history of progressive fibrosing interstitial lung diseases”. View article. 2020. Moodley, Y.P., C. Zappala, C. Tedja, et al. Eur Respir J 2020. 56(6).

Nonspecific Interstitial Pneumonia. View article. 2020. Teoh AKY, Corte TJ. Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 41(2):184-201. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1708499. 

Diagnosing idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Has the time for surgical lung biopsy passed? View article. 2020. Glenn LM, Corte TJ. Respirology. doi: 10.1111/resp.13909. 

Blood monocyte counts as a potential prognostic marker for IPF: Analysis from the Australian Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Registry. View article. 2020. Teoh AKY, Jo HE, Chambers DC, Symons K, Walters EH et al. European Respiratory Journal 55:1901855. doi: 10.1183/13993003.01855-2019.

Peer Connect Service for people with PF in Australia: Participants’ experiences and process evaluation. View article. 2020. Tikellis G, Lee JYT, Corte TJ, Maloney J et al. Respirology. doi: 10.1111/resp.13807.

The supportive care needs of people living with pulmonary fibrosis and their caregivers: A systematic review. View article. 2020. Lee JYT, Tikellis, G, Corte TJ et al. European Respiratory Review 20, 29: 190125; doi: 10.1183/16000617.0125-2019.

Importance of occupational exposure data: A national idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis registry perspective. View article. 2020. Teoh AKY, Glaspole I, Macansh S, Corte TJ. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 201(9):1165-1167. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201911-2242LE.

Diagnostic accuracy of transbronchial lung cryobiopsy for Interstitial Lung Disease diagnosis (COLDICE): A prospective, comparative study. View article. 2020. Troy LK, Grainge C, Corte TJ, Williamson JP, Vallely MP, Cooper WA et al. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine 8(2):171-181. doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(19)30342-X.

Acute exacerbation of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: International survey and call for harmonisation. View article. 2020. Kreuter M, Polke M, Walsh SLF, Krisam J, Collard HR, Chaudhuri N, Avdeev S, Behr J, Calligaro G, Corte T et al. European Respiratory Journal, 55(4). doi: 10.1183/13993003.01760-2019.

CHP Exposure Assessment Collaborators. A Systematically Derived Exposure Assessment Instrument for Chronic Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis. View article. 2020. Barnes H, Morisset J, Molyneaux P, Westall G, Glaspole I, Collard HR. Chest. 157(6):1506-1512. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2019.12.018. 

Pirfenidone in patients with unclassifiable progressive fibrosing interstitial lung disease: a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial. View article. 2020. Maher TM, Corte TJ, (…) Cottin V. Lancet Respiratory Medicine. 8(2):147-157. doi: 10.1016/S2213-2600(19)30341-8. 

Regulation of cellular senescence by extracellular matrix during chronic fibrotic diseases. View article. 2020. Blokland, K. E. C., Pouwels, S. D., Schuliga, M., Knight, D. A., & Burgess, J. K. Clinical Science, 134(20), 2681-2706.

Self DNA perpetuates IPF lung fibroblast senescence in a cGAS-dependent manner. View article. 2020. Schuliga, M., Read, J., Blokland, K. E., Waters, D. W., Burgess, J., Prêle, C., (…) Knight, D. A. Clinical Science, 134(7), 889-905.

Senescence of IPF Lung Fibroblasts Disrupt Alveolar Epithelial Cell Proliferation and Promote Migration in Wound Healing. View article. 2020. Blokland, K. E. C., Waters, D. W., Schuliga, M., Read, J., Pouwels, S.D., Grainge, C. L., (…) Knight, D. A. Pharmaceutics, 12(4), [389].

The contribution of animal models to understanding the role of the immune system in human idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. View article. 2020. Miles T., Hoyne G.F., Knight D.A., Fear M.W., Mutsaers S.E., Prêle C.M. Clinical and Translational Immunology 9(7).