Joanne Dickinson


Joanne Dickinson is a principal research fellow at the Menzies Institute for Medical Research investigating the genetic drivers of complex disease and leads their cancer research program.

Jo has established multiple clinically annotated genetic resources in the genetics of eye disease, multiple sclerosis, prostate, vulvar and blood cancers and these resources underpin multiple active Menzies research programs which have had a significant international impact in their respective fields. She has been instrumental in building genomics research infrastructure capability at the Menzies including a $1.2 million upgrade of genomics facilities in 2018.

Jo Dickinson holds adjunct appointments with School of Law (UTAS) and Menzies School of Health, Charles Darwin University. 

Jo Dickinson has an established track record in the ethical, legal and social issues associated with human genetic research. Over her career has been awarded $30 million in grant funding.
