Congrats to ARLDSC Award Winners

Posted on: Thursday 8th August 2024
L-R Award winners John Mackintosh with Vanessa McDonald, Doris Lan and Paul Reynolds, Paris Papagianis and Vanessa McDonald

Congratulations to all the award winners recognised at the Australasian Rare Lung Disease Short Course in Sydney last month.

The sold-out meeting provided an opportunity for clinicians and researchers from across the country to hear about the latest advances in lung disease research.

Prof Tamera Corte and A/Prof Nicole Goh from the CRE-PF co-convened the meeting and research from with the collaboration was well represented across the 2-day program, which you can see here.

Huge congratulations to all the award winners recognised for their remarkable research work, and a special shout out to CRE-PF collaborators:

  • CRE-PF Associate Investigator John Mackintosh, from the Prince Charles Hospital in Queensland, won Best Clinical Oral Presentation for, Telomere length and gene variants in Australian adults with pulmonary fibrosis.
  • CREATE Fellow Paris Papagianis, from Monash University in Victoria, won Best Scientific Oral Presentation for, Fibrogenesis in precision cut lung slides from TGF-beta1 overexpressing mice.
  • CREATE Fellow Doris Lan, from the University of Sydney in New South Wales, won Best Abstract from a CREATE PhD student for, Feasibility of real-time air quality data from RE-BUILD app for interstitial lung disease.

In addition, the CRE-PF awarded two CREATE Grants-in-Aid of $10,000 each to support collaborative research between CREATE fellows to:

  • Mariana Hoffman, Monash University; Debra Sandford, University of Adelaide and Leona Dowman, Monash University for, Effect of a brief behavioural intervention to improve physical activity in people with pulmonary fibrosis.
  • Christian Aloe, RMIT University; Alexandra Brown, University of Newcastle and Lai-Ying Zhang, Metro North Hospitals, Brisbane for, Targeting iron-induced oxidative stress to preserve telomere health in lung fibrosis.