Researcher Development Events

Australasian Pulmonary Fibrosis Virtual Research Meetings

These meetings are held monthly by Zoom. Each meeting features a presentation from an emerging researcher with an introduction by their supervisor.

These presentations are designed to promote collaboration and discussion amongst Australasian researchers interested in pulmonary fibrosis.

For more information about the program and how to join the meetings, contact us.

CREATE Weekends

The flagship event of our CREATE program is the biennial Professional Development Weekend, designed to bring together the best pulmonary fibrosis research minds in Australia for intensive researcher development.

The first residential professional development weekend for CREATE Fellows was held 4-6 November 2022 at Q Station, Sydney. This event provided opportunities for networking and mentoring; formal sessions including training in consumer engagement, a track record/CV session and presentations on diverse topics including working with industry, building collaborations, career planning, grant writing and maintaining work/life balance.

The second residential professional development weekend for CREATE Fellows was held 10-12 November 2023 at Q Station, Sydney. Feedback from the weekend included:

My favourite part of the weekend was being able to talk with the consumers. Being a basic scientist, I have never had the opportunity to have a proper talk with people who have a personal experience with the disease/drugs that I research so I found that the most rewarding experience.
The entire weekend was incredibly positive with networking being the best experience.
Consumer Advisory Group member

The next CREATE researcher development weekend will be held in 2025. Stay tuned for details!

Educational Workshops

Additional in-person workshops are planned for 2024 and beyond. CREATE Fellows are encouraged to contact us with any requests or suggestions for workshop content.