Burden of Disease

Health and Economic Burden of Pulmonary Fibrosis in Australia

Lead: Prof Andrew Palmer

There is a paucity of data on the epidemiology, healthcare resource utilisation and associated costs of patients with pulmonary fibrosis in Australia. These data are needed to inform policy and health financing decisions that govern access to diagnostic services and treatments.

  • We are deriving the first estimates of incidence, prevalence, mortality, costs and quality of life for pulmonary fibrosis in Australia and assess the distribution of pulmonary fibrosis and its sub-types.
  • We are determining healthcare resource use and overall cost burden related to pulmonary fibrosis in Australia.
  • We are developing a disease simulation model to predict outcomes such as quality adjusted life expectancy, life expectancy and total lifetime costs associated with the most frequent forms of pulmonary fibrosis.
  • We are determining total lifetime costs, life expectancy and quality-adjusted life years for pulmonary fibrosis, unlocking potential cost-effectiveness of screening and early treatments.