Ian Glaspole


PACT Chair


Ian Glaspole is a clinician academic, head of the Interstitial lung disease service at the Alfred Hospital, Melbourne and an Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor in the Central and Eastern Clinical School, Monash University. He completed his advanced training in respiratory medicine at the Royal Brompton Hospital in London and his doctoral research at the Alfred Hospital. Shortly after, he established the first dedicated interstitial lung disease service in Australia, at the Alfred Hospital.

He is the current chair of PACT. He has been a chief investigator in five NHMRC grants and an associate investigator in another. His industry sponsored research has garnered over $6 million in funding and he participates as a researcher, consultant and steering committee member to multiple pharmaceutical companies involved in ILD drug development. He has published 104 peer-reviewed manuscripts, including 3 position statements, with 68 publications in the last five years. His research has been cited 4939 times, with an h index of 29 (Scopus, November 2021). He was an author of the pivotal clinical trial demonstrating efficacy of pirfenidone for IPF, published in the New Engl J Med in 2014, and the senior author of the TSANZ position statement on the ILD multi-disciplinary meeting.

 A/Prof Glaspole’s educational activity has included chairing the organising committee of the Australian Rare Lung Disease Course and he has spoken at numerous national and international conferences as a plenary speaker as well as presenter of novel research. He has to date supervised six doctoral research candidates.